Purpose of the contract – to assist a horse trainer to manage the risks associated with general training, breaking in or re-education of a client’s horse.

The contract deals with agistment, trainer’s rights to suspend or cease training, authority to engage a vet, overdue money, liability for harm to the horse, the training purpose, pre-existing injuries and more. The contract can be tailored to meet any unusual circumstances.

As horse training is usually conducted as a business, our Risk Waiver and Waiver is designed to exclude the trainer from liability if the horse owner rides the horse before taking it away. If that is the case, we recommend that the Risk Warning and Waiver be used in conjunction with the training contract.

This contract is sold as an email version only. You pay once and have ongoing use of it. We badge the contract with your trading name, business details and logo at no extra cost. After your order is placed, we send you a form to complete with information to include in the contract. We then send you a draft and make any changes to content that you require. Due to the risk of copyright infringement, our contracts must not be displayed on any website or reproduced on social media.