Purpose of this contract – To document a lease arrangement between the owner (lessor) of the horse and the person taking temporary possession of the horse (lessee).

Leasing a horse is sometimes a sensible alternative to buying or selling. Under a lease, the lessee has the exclusive right to use and enjoy a horse for a period of time or until the lessor requests return of the horse.  The lessee sometimes pays a lease fee to the lessor, but often it is a ‘free lease’ meaning that no fee is payable in consideration of the lessee looking after the horse and paying all costs.  A documented ‘free lease’ avoids the risk that on taking possession, the lessee might interpret the arrangement as a gift of the horse.

The lease covers all of the practical matters that crop up during the term of a lease, including up front disclosure of soundness issues and vices, special requirements for the horse’s care, the permitted use of the horse, responsibility for veterinary costs, liability if the horse dies or injures itself and consequences if the lessee breaches the lease.

The obligation to take out insurance against veterinary expenses, mortality and loss of use of the horse is a matter for the parties to consider and resolve by including their own special condition in the lease schedule.

The lessee rides the horse at his or her own risk.

The parties are able to tailor the lease themselves by adding any agreed special requirements to the lease schedule.

The paper copy version of the lease contains 2 contracts – one for the lessor and lessee so that each retains a signed original. There is an edition for each State and Territory of Australia.  The person initiating the lease should select the edition where he or she resides, which is important if the lessor and the lessee don’t reside in the same State or Territory.


Purpose of this contract – To document a lease arrangement between the owner of a mare (the lessor) and a person taking the mare (lessee) with the aim to breed a foal.

This contract addresses contingencies and risks that can arise by covering a mare or breeding her by artificial insemination.  It caters for 1 breeding of the mare and then her return to the lessor.  The parties are able to tailor the lease themselves by adding any agreed special requirements to the lease schedule.  We can of course tailor the contract to cover unique breeding arrangements for an extra cost, such as the requirement of the lessee to return the mare in foal.

Our ‘Embryo Transfer’ contract should be selected if the owner of a mare proposes to sell an embryo out of the mare as distinct from leasing the mare to breed.

Definition of contracts: the single use paper copy is posted to you and the multiple use copy is emailed. The email version is more expensive because you may use it more than once.  Once an order is received, we will manually process your credit card before dispatching the version purchase by post or email